Find out more about Kid’s Church?
“Kids Church is run Sunday mornings, during school term, during the 10.30am family service and is aimed at children from age 3 to the end of primary school.Kids Church is a special 30 minute service designed for children to learn how to worship God through fun action songs, prayer, and hearing God’s word in a fun and interactive kids talk.
As children learn differently, we also have breakout group time during Kids Church, where children can talk about the message in their own groups and ages. breakout groups are called Hummingbirds (for the 3-5 years old), and Kingfishers (for primary school-Our aged children).This is also a way that children can deepen their faith by asking questions, and where they can form deeper bonds with their friends. There is also an opportunity where the children can share with the group, if they would like to, what has happened through the week.
After the group time we meet back together to finish Kids Church. At the conclusion of Kids Church, the children are able to either make craft or play games before going back to their parents in the corporate worship area to finish the family service together.
At RAFT children are important and we aim to nurture and help them to grow in their faith, ensuring they have an environment where they can come together that is welcoming and accepting, where children are valued and feel safe. All our Kids Church team have completed all the necessary checks to be able to work with children”
If you would like to find out more about Kid’s Church for your Preschooler, please contact the RAFT Office by email admin@ or by phone on 9764 2573.